Dominique Beckers

Student MSc Health Food Innovation Management

about me


-- English below --

Na het behalen van mijn atheneum diploma, ben ik een bachelor aan de Universiteit Maastricht gaan volgen, Biomedische Wetenschappen - specialisatie Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen. Tijdens deze bachelor kwam het gehele lichaam aan bod op cellulair niveau en alle onderlinge verbanden inbegrepen: celbiologie, moleculaire biologie, fysiologie, pathologie, levenswetenschappen etc. Ondanks dat ik dit altijd erg interessant heb gevonden, zag ik mezelf geen onderzoek doen. Ik wil het bedrijfsleven in en mijn bachelor als achtergrond gebruiken.
De master Health Food Innovation Management is voor mij dan ook een logisch vervolg van mijn studietraject. ¨ Health Food Innovation Management: The Master in Health Food Innovation Management prepares students to understand the process of innovation in the food and beverage industry, with a specific focus on improving consumer health and healthy eating behaviour. Through a multidisciplinary learning approach, students will be prepared to help transfer health science aspects into sound new product and marketing concepts. ¨ Source: Maastricht University

-- English --

After I obtained my atheneum degree, I continued to study at Maastricht University, BSc Biomedical Sciences - specialization Molecular Life Sciences. During this bachelor all fields relating to body function were covered: cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, pathology, life sciences etc. Although this has always been my field of interest, I did not want to do research for several years or even the rest of my carreer. I want to be part of a business and use my bachelor as background.
The master's program Health Food Innovation Management fitted with me. ¨ Health Food Innovation Management: The Master in Health Food Innovation Management prepares students to understand the process of innovation in the food and beverage industry, with a specific focus on improving consumer health and healthy eating behaviour. Through a multidisciplinary learning approach, students will be prepared to help transfer health science aspects into sound new product and marketing concepts. ¨ Source: Maastricht University


  • Maastricht University / Health Food Innovation Management
  • 2012-present
  • Maastricht University / BSc. Biomedial Sciences - Molecular Life Sciences
  • 2009-2012
  • Eijkhagen College / Atheneum
  • 2003-2009


  • Vodafone Netherlands / Sales Advisor
  • 2012-present
  • Hamilton Bright / Sales Promotor
  • 2010-2012
  • Bar, club, lounge Nr. 7even / Barkeeper
  • 2011-2011
  • Vodafone Netherlands / Advisor Telesales Outbound
  • 2009-2010


Vodafone Netherlands - Sales Advisor
August 2011 - present

Maastricht University - Bachelor Internship Department of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Topic: The neurogenic - endothelial control on methoxamine, acetylcholine, noradrenalin and endothelin-1 induced vasoconstrictions and vasodilations.
May 2012 - July 2012

Hamilton Bright - Sales Promotor
April 2010 - April 2012

Club, cafe, lounge Nr. 7even - Barkeeper
January 2012 - August 2012

Vodafone Netherlands - Advisor Telesales Outbound
May 2009 - June 2010

For more information visit my LinkedIn-profile.


  • Teamwork / 6 years experience
  • SPSS / 3 years experience
  • Microsoft Office / 10 years experience
  • Dutch / 21 years experience
  • English / 3 years experience
  • Lifesciences / 3 years experience
  • Molecular Biology / 3 years experience



If you have any questions or just want to brainstorm, do not hesitate and contact me.
